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How to Enter a Schedule Request

There are 3 different types of schedules that can be entered in Facility Schedule:

  • Normal Schedule: Most commonly used (Up to 20 event dates can be included). This schedule is used when all event dates will share the same time and room(s).
  • Recurring Schedule: (Up to 100 event dates can be included). This schedule is used for events that follow a pattern (Every Monday and Wednesday for a semester or the 3rd Friday of the Month for the entire year). All event dates will share the same time and room(s).
  • Irregular Schedule: (Up to 20 events can be selected). This schedule type can be used when each event will take place in a different room and/or a different time slot than the other event dates within the schedule. For example: The Custodial Department will use the Conference Room on January 1st from 9am to noon and their next meeting will take place on January 31st in Room 200 from 1pm to 2pm.